Vacation Properties, Motels, Hotels, Resorts, Campgrounds, Timeshares
Build loyalty with your guests using your Guest WiFi. This is also beneficial for guests that are just attending conferences, enjoying lunch there or just visiting a guest at the hotel. Once they log onto your guest WiFi you can start collecting valuable personable information to help you build a strong relationship with them. Log on through your customized Wi-Fi sign on page, you can start making their experience more personalized. Once they leave, send them a ‘Thank you for visiting” message or if they haven’t been in for awhile send them a “we miss you message” offering a coupon.
Customers often base their choice on which hotel to book based on the reviews. Encourage your guests to leave reviews. Once guests leave, an automated email with your review page can be sent out encouraging them to leave a review. If it is a negative review, you can use that opportunity to respond to your guest and improve the issues. If it is positive, encourage them to leave the review on your review page.
- Grow customer database
- Build loyalty programs
- Drive customers to your social media
- Redirect to ‘Like’ Facebook page
- Take control of your reputation management through quality reviews. (Yelp, Google, Tripadvisor)
- Increase Foot Traffic
WiFi Advertising: Access points can be set up in various locations throughout the hotel. The access point at the pool could show advertisements for the hotel restaurant. The access points in the hotel common area can show advertisements for your spa or for tourist attractions in the area.